Accessibility alternative for non-standard radio button using the 'Label For' Markup pattern

Warning: Not recommended

First, We notice for you. this is not a good method absolutely, We tell you confidently. This is wrong, and this is bad certainly.

But, this will be helpful you're on the situation when you can't fix a wrong markup pattern.

We want you to understand this is not a good way and don't do it yourself when you make a new website please.

Before you get an example: Please understand the concept of the Radio Buttons

Radio Buttons<input type=“radio”> are the type of input elements designed to make users can select one of the values in a group.

When you use the radio button, You always should focus on the keyword, 'select'.

To be more specific, Radio buttons must not activate the functions, actions. They are for selection only.

When you select one item of Radio Buttons. Page must not be changed, Dialog must not be pop-up, and The focus is must be controlled by users only.

We authors always wish you use radio buttons as standard methods.

Alternative Example